I remember running my first A/B test after college. It wasn’t till then that I understood the basics of getting a big enough A/B test sample size or running the test long enough to get statistically significant results.
You’re sitting around a conference room, trying to figure out how to best engage your leads and customers, sell more products, or just “stay top-of-mind” for your target audience, and someone decides there’s a solution that can solve all of those problems at once: an email newsletter.
Research shows that company swag can be a highly effective tool for boosting engagement. In fact, in one recent study, 61% of survey respondents agreed that promotional products help build brand awareness, and 58% reported that they loved getting swag.
How do you know if Facebook is a worthy investment or if you’re getting enough traffic from your recent promotional campaign? The answer: UTM tracking links.
Whether you're setting up a brand new Facebook Page for your brand, or just want to make the most of your existing one, it’s probably a smart move -- Facebook is home to nearly 2 billion monthly active users.
It should be easy enough, right? Just slap together a photo, a couple of posts, and expect the leads and customers to roll on in, right?
As the former head of marketing for two different tech startups, I learned firsthand that email newsletters can be an incredibly powerful tool in any marketer’s toolbox.