If someone asks me to find the average of five values — 1, 4, 7, 8, and 10 — the equation is easy. I add up all five values and divide this by the total number of values.
In the 2024 HubSpot State of Marketing Report, we found that short-form video is king. It‘s the top format marketers are using, and it’s set to grow the most in 2024.
You’ve seen that email marketing works wonders for your business. So, you doubled down and built a massive email list. However, you’ve now hit a roadblock. You can’t send bulk emails through providers like Gmail or Outlook.
A 2023 State of Content Marketing report by SEMrush revealed that 37% of brands surveyed say they outsource copywriting. If you fall in the 63% and want to improve your website copywriting skills, we’re here to help.