Jessie Houghton

Create internal GitHub repos for your team

Visual Studio 2022 now includes support for creating internal repositories for GitHub organizations. This feature allows developers to work within their GitHub organization’s guidelines within the Visual Studio environment more effectively. Managing repositories involves configuring varying levels of visibility and permissions. Visual Studio 2022’s new feature aims to smooth this process by providing support for […]
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Boost your Git confidence with the new file rename notification

Have you ever renamed a file in Solution Explorer and wondered if Git is tracking your changes correctly? You’re not alone. Many developers have found this process confusing and worry whether their changes are being properly staged in Git. But worry no more – there’s a solution! When you rename files in Solution Explorer, Visual […]
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New git tooling features

Visual Studio 2022 v17.11 includes fantastic updates to everyone working with Git. They bring the richness of both GitHub and Azure DevOps into Visual Studio and part of your natural workflow. This greatly simplifies your inner loop, making you even more productive than before.
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Demystify history with GitHub Copilot commit explanations

Have you ever struggled to understand what a commit was doing or why it was made? Do you wish you had more clarity and context when reviewing or collaborating on code changes? If you answered yes, then you’ll love what GitHub Copilot can do for you: generate commit explanations.
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Let GitHub Copilot draft of your pull request description

Writing good pull request descriptions is essential for effective code reviews and collaboration. But it’s time-consuming and tedious, especially when you have multiple commits or complex changes. That’s why we’re highlighting a feature that will make your life better with the help of GitHub Copilot: generated pull request descriptions.
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Catch up on the latest Git tooling features in 17.10 GA

We believe that boosting the productivity of your development and team collaboration helps you produce better software solutions. That’s why the Visual Studio Version Control team has delivered new features, streamlining your inner loop and code review experiences. You’ll get AI support writing commit messages,
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See Your Pull Request Comments with the Latest Preview

We just shipped preview support for viewing your GitHub and Azure DevOps pull request comments directly in your working file in Visual Studio in 17.10 Preview 2. As one of the most highly requested Git tooling feature suggestions on Developer Community,
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Elevate Your Git and GitHub Skills in Visual Studio with the Intermediate and Advanced Series

Git and Version Control skills are essential for development, but they’re often glossed over in coding curriculum and onboarding. We often memorize a few commands without understanding how to recover from sticky situations or leverage Git to the fullest. Are you ready to take your GitHub knowledge to the next level within Visual Studio?
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A year of making you more productive using Git in Visual Studio

As we reflect on the past year, it’s clear that the journey of enhancing our Git tooling has been exciting! Our team has been dedicated to increasing GitHub integration, boosting productivity, and addressing valuable feedback from Developer Community. Today, we’re thrilled to share the milestones we’ve achieved and the enhancements that are making your Git experience in Visual Studio smoother and more intuitive.
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Write Your Git Commits with GitHub Copilot

After spending hours on a bug fix or a feature update, often the last thing we developers want to do is carefully explain the contents of the Git commit. The latest Visual Studio preview is here to help. Use the new generated Git commit message feature to help you describe your set of changes.
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Create a Pull Request with Summary Difference View Available in GA

You can now create a pull request in the 17.8 release of Visual Studio. With over 280 votes and 60 comments in Developer Community, integrating create a pull request has been a highly suggested feature with community involvement to make it happen.
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