Digital Marketing

How to Avoid Search Over-Optimization

But can you go too far? Can you over-optimize? Google says “yes”, in two ways. Harmful over-optimization is, as Google’s Gary Ilyes puts it, “literally optimizing so much that eventually it starts hurting.” It’s possible to put so much effort…Rea...
Digital Marketing

SEO Community Spotlight: Singapore

Having lived in this city-state for a good three decades, I’ve gathered that SEO remains a niche here—but the people within it are welcoming and always happy to exchange ideas. Let’s take a closer look. Historically, the SEO community in…Read mor...
Digital Marketing

How to Design a Logo [Step-by-Step Guide]

A great logo is instantly recognizable, memorable, and closely connected to your brand’s core values and ideas. Just sit back and think about it, what logos are simply unforgettable? The first that comes to mind for me are iconic logos like Apple, Coca-Cola, and Nike. Logos like these are simple and elegant yet bold enough to leave a lasting impression.
Digital Marketing