Crawling December: Faceted navigation

Faceted navigation is a great way to help users find what they need on your site, but it can
create an SEO nightmare if not implemented carefully. Why? Because it can generate a near-infinite
number of URLs, which causes...

Crawling December: HTTP caching

Allow us to cache, pretty please.
As the internet grew over the years, so did how much Google crawls. While Google's crawling
infrastructure supports heuristic caching mechanisms, in fact always had, the number of requests

7 Examples of Great Branded Content

Take the famous Michelin guide Branded content is mass-appeal media or entertainment content that’s either sponsored, commissioned, or created by a company. Think Netflix-style documentaries for SaaS marketers, or short films directed by clothing brand...
Digital Marketing

SEO for (Busy) Founders

Thanks to the following founders for sharing feedback on this guide: You already know that you need SEO, but it’s worth reiterating the benefits. SEO can help you: Some startups use SEO as their primary acquisition channel from day one.…Read more...
Digital Marketing

Updating our site reputation abuse policy

Earlier this year, as part of our work to fight spam and deliver a great Search experience,
we launched a spam policy to combat site reputation abuse.
We're clarifying our policy language to further target this type of spammy behavio...

Why Great Marketing is Risky as Hell

We didn’t hire any consultants for this project. We didn’t create fancy presentations to justify the book to stakeholders. And we didn’t crunch any numbers to verify the potential impact on our brand awareness. In fact, no one in SaaS,…Read more ...
Digital Marketing

100 Trending Products: November 2024

To identify these trending products, we analyzed the growth in search volume of 28.7 billion keywords in Google searches within the United States over the past three months. Our final list reflects the products with the biggest increase in search&#8230...
Digital Marketing