Brighton SEO Live Blog

Being the introvert I am, my idea of fun isn’t hanging around our booth all day explaining we’ve run out of t-shirts (seriously, you need to be fast if you want swag!). So I decided to do something useful and…Read more ›
Digital Marketing

Skill up on Modern Work: Quarterly Recap

Welcome to our quarterly blog series designed to help you skill up on Modern Work technologies. Your go-to source for the latest Updates, resources, and opportunities in Modern Work technical skilling. 
1. Start your Copilot Journey:
Tech News

How to Find and Use Competitor Keywords

Knowing your competitors’ keywords is the easiest form of keyword research. If your competitors rank for or target particular keywords, it might be worth it for you to target them, too. There is no way to see your competitors’ keywords…Read more ...
Digital Marketing

Free Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Conference

Pure Virtual C++ is our free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. This year it will run on April 30th 15:00 UTC. Sign-up for free to get access to our five sessions on the day and a host of pre-conference content which will roll out in the two weeks leading up to the conference.
The post Free Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Conference appeared first on Visual Studio Blog.

Introducing Our Open Mixed Reality Ecosystem

We’re opening up the operating system that powers our Meta Quest devices to third-party hardware makers and making it easier for developers to build mixed reality apps that reach a wide audience.
The post Introducing Our Open Mixed Reality Ecosystem appeared first on Meta.
Social Media